On Reddit, every post and comment you leave is tied to your user account. That’s usually fine, but what if you want to post anonymously? That’s what a throwaway account is for.
在Reddit上,您留下的每個帖子和評論都與您的用戶帳戶綁定。 通常沒關系,但是如果要匿名發(fā)布怎么辦? 這就是一個一次性帳戶。
什么是一次性帳戶? (What Is a Throwaway Account?)
A throwaway account is a temporary account used for a specific purpose—not your main Reddit account. Your regular Reddit account might include your name or make you identifiable through your posting history, and that can be limiting. If you want to be able to ask a question or leave a comment without anyone knowing it’s you, you need a throwaway account that can’t be identified.
一次性帳戶是用于特定目的的臨時帳戶,而不是您的主要Reddit帳戶。 您的常規(guī)Reddit帳戶可能包含您的姓名,或者可以通過您的發(fā)帖歷史來識別您的身份,這可能會受到限制。 如果您想在沒有人知道的情況下提出問題或發(fā)表評論,則需要一個無法識別的一次性帳戶。
Reasons to use a throwaway Reddit account include:
Discussing financial matters
Speaking about personal or embarrassing problems
Asking questions about working with an employer
Any subject where you want to discuss something freely without being identified
Even if you usually use an alias online, you might want to post sensitive things using a throwaway account. Internet detectives won’t be able to go through all your comments and find clues to figure out who you are.
即使您通常在線使用別名,您也可能想使用一次性帳戶發(fā)布敏感內(nèi)容。 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)偵探將無法瀏覽您的所有評論并找到線索以弄清楚您是誰。
Remember, an account that isn’t identifiable doesn’t protect you from saying something that can be used to figure out who you are. Be careful what information you share.
請記住,無法識別的帳戶并不能防止您說出可以用來識別自己身份的信息。 請注意您共享什么信息。
The term “throwaway account” is also used for other types of accounts online, from email and social media to online gaming. It’s any temporary account that isn’t your main account.
術語“一次性帳戶”還用于其他類型的在線帳戶,從電子郵件和社交媒體到在線游戲。 這是不是您的主要帳戶的任何臨時帳戶。
如何在Reddit上創(chuàng)建一個一次性賬戶 (How to Create a Throwaway Account on Reddit)
Reddit accounts are free, and there is no limit on the number of accounts that you can create.
You can stay signed into your regular Reddit account while you use a throwaway account if you like. Just open a private browsing (incognito) window, launch a different browser, or use another browser profile.
如果愿意,可以在使用一次性帳戶的同時保持登錄常規(guī)Reddit帳戶的狀態(tài)。 只需打開一個私人瀏覽(隱身)窗口,啟動其他瀏覽器或使用其他瀏覽器配置文件即可。
Visit Reddit and click “Sign Up” at the top of the page. If you’re already signed in, you’ll have to sign out first.
訪問Reddit ,然后單擊頁面頂部的“注冊”。 如果您已經(jīng)登錄,則必須先退出。
Enter a username and password. The username can be anything so long as it is unique but don’t choose a username that you’ve used elsewhere. Be sure to select a username that isn’t associated with your regular Reddit username. Some people even put “throwaway” in the account’s name.
輸入用戶名和密碼。 用戶名可以是任何東西,只要它是唯一的,但不要選擇您在其他地方使用過的用戶名。 確保選擇的用戶名與常規(guī)Reddit用戶名無關。 有些人甚至在帳戶名稱中添加了“丟棄”字樣。
You don’t need to enter an email address to create an account—more on that later—but you must tick the CAPTCHA box before clicking the “Sign Up” button.
Deselect any subreddits that have been selected for you and click the “Finish” button.
You will be signed in to Reddit with your new throwaway account.
您應該添加一個電子郵件地址嗎? (Should You Add an Email Address?)
You probably noticed that you didn’t add an email address when setting up your account. You don’t need one, but there are occasions where one might be useful.
您可能會注意到,設置帳戶時沒有添加電子郵件地址。 您不需要一個,但在某些情況下可能有用。
You’ll need to have an email address on file if you forget your password and need to reset it. You won’t get email notifications for comments and messages if you don’t add an email address, either.
如果您忘記密碼并需要重設密碼,則需要在文件中添加電子郵件地址。 如果您也未添加電子郵件地址,則不會收到有關評論和消息的電子郵件通知。
You can add an email address without using your real one in a couple of different ways.
Gmail users can create a disposable alias which funnels emails into their main Gmail inbox. You can then set labels and filters if you want to.
Gmail用戶可以創(chuàng)建一個一次性別名,該別名將電子郵件匯集到其主要Gmail收件箱中。 然后,您可以根據(jù)需要設置標簽和過濾器。
You can create a whole new email address. Creating a new account at Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo is quick and easy.
您可以創(chuàng)建一個全新的電子郵件地址。 在Gmail , Outlook和Yahoo上創(chuàng)建新帳戶非常容易。
Adding an email address can be helpful, but for the ultimate in throwaway Reddit accounts, don’t add one. If notifications are important to you, consider using the Reddit iPhone or Android app and enabling them there. And, if forgetting your password is a concern, use a password manager.
添加電子郵件地址可能會有所幫助,但對于終極一次性Reddit帳戶,請勿添加。 如果通知對您很重要,請考慮使用Reddit iPhone或Android應用并在其中啟用它們。 并且,如果忘記密碼是一個問題,請使用密碼管理器。
翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/414765/what-is-a-throwaway-reddit-account-and-how-do-i-create-one/